ReamStories Subscription
Exciting Announcement
I have finally, finally, finally, launched my Ream Stories account!
I've created us a community space we can enjoy together, a safe place where you can read my work AS I WRITE, which I am so incredibly excited about. I have so much material to start sharing with you! You'll get to participate in polls, Q&As, vote for bonus chapters, scenes and so much more. I even have a few little short stories that'll be exclusive to Ream
I would love you to hang out with me more, and this is the best way to offer it. It's kinda like being in my living room, just with less clutter
The link is in my bio and the full information is up on the site! I hope you'll join me, I think you'll really love it.
*For those of you who don't know what Ream Stories is, it's a platform that allows writers to build communities around their stories and charge a monthly fee that rewards readers with early access to stories, bonus content, access to new stories and your backlist, and even perks like signed books and merchandise.